⚡ NEW PRODUCT! ⚡ Scratched Martini Racing Stripes - autodesign.shop

We have just released a new product on our site. Can you guess which one is it? 👀

This post is going to introduce our new racing stripes with many interesting details and information!

As you can already tell from the featured image and our recent posts on social media, the product is for Porsche! It's our famous Martini racing stripes, but a bit different. This design is for someone who is tired of seeing the polished, classic looks and decals on luxurious cars and is ready for something different.

We present to you - SCRATCHED Martini Racing Stripes!

Martini Racing Stripes Custom Design For Porsche

The sticker is made by printing the design on a clear PVC vinyl to create a realistic scratched look. That way, the color of the car doesn't matter anymore. These stripes can be installed on any color variation of Porsche.

For the final step, we cover the decals with transfer tape for easier application process on the car later. 

Martini racing stripes are hard to find to purchase online as it is, but we developed a scratched design, which is our custom work available ONLY on our online store!

This style of decal can be adapted to any other existing product of ours! So if there is enough interest, this product line is going to expand in the near future. Don't hesitate to contact us by email if you have any questions or requests!

We were also keeping track of the first scratched racing stripes installation process. Here are some snapshots from that:

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Clear vinyl is always installed using wet application methods. To wet the sticker we use soapy water.

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

We also use knifeless tape, to make precise cuts where needed and to avoid damaging the car.

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Installation / Application Process

...And here is the finished result in all its Glory!!!

Scratched Martini Racing Stripes Finished Product Look on a Porsche